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Selasa, 10 Februari 2009

Motivation For Fitnes

"Conceive, believe, & achieve."
I am sure you are familiar with a quote “Conceive, believe, and achieve.” For everyone who wants to lose weight, be healthier, and improve his/her physical composition, all he or she needs is exactly doing every single step at much deeper level.

First, you really have to conceive the right image that you want in your mind. You have to be able to really see what you want to look like in the mirror, what percentage of bodyfat reading to read on the bodyfat scanner display, and even when you will be shopping for smaller-sized clothes and pants. “Begin with the end in mind.” is what the conceiving part is really all about.

Then comes believe. First of all, you have to believe in your ability to make that vision a reality. You might not be confident with the way you look now, but you should never misinterpret it as not being confident enough in your ability to succeed.

Then, you should also have the belief that all the time, effort, and money that you put out will not be in vain. You have to REALLY believe in your ability to make it happen. How? …and this is the achieve part, just make sure they are not by working hard enough, long enough. Make sure you gain the most from your investment. For whatever plant that you sow, you will reap it in time. Just have the courage to go through watering the plant, giving it fertilizers, protect it from harmful insects, and enough sunshine. In time, you will harvest the fruits of your labor.

By: Ade Ray (Atlit)

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